Link to January TechNite Talk on Remote Ops & PSK31:

They changed the rules and multipliers all over the place! Our Antenna Multiplexer is now quite robust, but I’m proposing to add another wrinkle, based on what worked so well for us during Summer Field Day — a remote-controllable (or just remote, human operated) station in the Grassy Field. This will require the full MESH network, but give us ability to have TWO people on 20 meters or 10 meters or whatever…at the same time. This was huge for us in the Summer. I think it can be done without too much difficulty.

The Signup for volunteers for operating time is a Google Document (just type and it remembers what you wrote):

We also have a “signup” for community folks who want to make a 6-meter or 2-meter QSO with us during WFD:

(This is a draft at present — will get discussed at January Meeting)